Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How is it possible that two years have passed... I had such high expectations at one time. I love the idea of a blog- the scrapbooking online format. I love looking at blogs and getting to know people. The connection that the new "social media" ways have brought to busy lives. But when I look back at this blog a lifetime has passed. I wish I had logged every memory, every picture. Quotes and stories. Journaled our family experience, somehow stopped time. But I didn't. And now I don't know if I move forward or go back and try to capture some of these moments. Maybe a little of both. Not that people read this- but maybe I will one day figure out how to make these into books and save these for my kids. So here I go.

1 comment:

  1. Jen- not sure you read comments but I've been blogging and keep our family scrapbook for 6 years now. Our family loves to flip through our annual blog books. I am happy to help you print it. It's not too complicated.
    May I suggest you start blogging today about today and work your way back as you have time and desire. That is how I tackle a seemingly large project like this when I get behind. Take one day/month/activity at a time. Happy Blogging!
