Harrison-My Baby
(Don't tell him I called him that)He is no longer a baby. He is a big boy who is trying hard to make the right choices. He told me the other day he wanted to be Batman when he grew up, but then asked, "I can still live at home, right?" I told him I would build a batcave in the garage. This last year has been a lot of fun. Having the three older kids in school all day has allowed me some much needed one on one time (or dates as Harry likes to refer to it). He is just as passionate and intense as his older siblings, but with a very endearing softer side. He has this smile (the picture almost captures it) and he has this way of wrapping his arm around my shoulders and playing with my hair- I hope he never grows too old to do that. I hold him in lap every chance I get, because I know those days are slipping away.
This made me tear up! I know exactly how you feel. Of course all of us Moms do but I will sit in my rocker with my Maddux (he's about 20 months now) so not really a baby but he'll allow me to cuddle him and I know that that's not going to last for very long, so I will just sit there for an hour sometimes and hold him and cuddle him. So enjoy him as much as you can!! He's adorable!!!