Friday, February 8, 2013

Off Track

Sophie has been off track these last couple of weeks. I personally have always looked forward to these breaks. I get burned out with the day to day rush of school life that I need a break as well. (though that is not to say I don't like sending them back) This year is very different. Now when we have these breaks, it is just me and Sis. Though it can't be a party every day I've tried hard to give her that extra attention and love that will help her feel stronger for the next couple of months. This break was a little rough- it started out with Harry's birthday and Sophie got very sick. I didn't get anything done that week because I was so worried about her and overwhelmed with emotions for the week. Shane had left for Irvine for a few days so we just hibernated. I took her in after a couple of days and found out she had the flu (influenza B- not the strain we were immunized against). She had been run down and stuffed up for weeks though and so Dr. Vierra went ahead and put her on antibiotics. After a long wait at the pharmacy I finally got home and went to give her the medicine. I always try to read through the instructions just as a reminder to watch for anything. I had never seen this warning on a antibiotic before. It mentioned a couple of times about heart problems, particularly prolonged QT syndrome (which Harry was never officially diagnosed with but his heart showed signs of). I wasn't sure what I was to do. Even though we all were checked out last May, I carry so much worry about my kids. I worry about all the unknowns and the what ifs. What if the antibiotics I gave him that night triggered all this? What if something was to happen to Soph? I had her sleep with me that night in our bed. It was a very long night and a very long day as I hovered over her. I had so much homework to do and I was tired. Shane got in late and I just lost it on him. Who really is to say what will happen next in our life. Or why. We made it through that week- and a terrible crazy busy two more. Sophie really didn't get out and play much. She was content to be home and I was content to have her. This is her being silly at the grocery store. Shane and I also took her out for a steak dinner and to a Utah Gymnastics Meet. Fun times!

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